Trying to get an idea of how NTs see us. I know that when I see autistic people, I see someone that’s like me. Obviously, that’s not how NTs perceive us, so what do we look like to yall??

  • r3df0x ✡️✝☪️
    7 months ago

    I’m not normal, but I don’t think I have autism. I might be prejudiced based on what I think autism looks like and there could be many people who don’t fit this description. I find people pleasers who go out of their way to try to smooth over every little issue to be very challenging to deal with. They create pressure to reassure them under the threat of emotional self harm in blaming themselves.

    A lot of autistic people tend to stand out in ways that aren’t always easy to describe, but they’ll often have problems like hair that’s too long or not maintained. A “neckbeard” that’s never trimmed or trimmed short using a guide. They also wear dirty or damaged clothes.

    I had a white autistic employee who got bullied for being a virgin and eventually got fired for attendance after calling out repeatedly because of it. Then he went on a rant and started blatantly calling the other employees the n-word without actually saying it. It created a bad association.