AgoraDesk/LocalMonero is shutting down 😞

Their app is fully open source and is a slick app written in Flutter.

Upvote this request on their github if you show interest in AgoraDesk/LocalMonero in releasing all of their source code for the back end as well. It is a long shot but if AgoraDesk/LocalMonero is going to shutdown, maybe they will release their source code to allow someone else to launch a new P2P trading platform that is a fork of AgoraDesk/LocalMonero and can do so with less work.

  • mister_monster
    10 months ago

    It’s good to do this, but remember, these central websites to aggregate and connect buyers with sellers are just stopgaps. They will always be targets, they’ll always shut down. You need something like bisq to make it work where it can’t be stopped.