I think some things should be done, to protect on a minimum level all node users from massive IP:PORT scanning & reveal some hidden-nodes.

Best example would be something like I2P & torrenting does by binding a random port.

BTW, people still can spy the network by running a node since it’s a P2P network, so idk if that’s really worth it ?

And network packets should be encrypted in tls/ssl then it not leaks dandelion’s origin.

I also added --anonymous-inbound on monerod (yes I did my hidden-service ect) but no inbound connections.

Started to wonder how it should be used and if a local-node could anonymously seed Monero like that.

It would mean:

  • no need to pay a VPN, for running a hidden public-node.
  • easy seeding, without ISP snooping.
  • no port opening on ISP’s router (noob friendly)