This may be a new attack tactic. By flooding the TX pool with large transactions they are trying to artificially jack up TX costs since the spam attack did not work.

As usual Monero will learn from this and improve. 👍 It is best to go through all this while Monero is still not a top world currency.

  • @CharliePrime
    72 months ago

    Some say this sudden increase in transaction volume is the result of Bitcoiners fleeing into Monero after the recent publicity proving that No-KYC Bitcoin use is de-facto illegal.

    I choose to believe this regardless of whether it’s true or not. 😁

    • @tuskerOP
      32 months ago

      Doubt it, they will just go all KYC and wait for bags to pump. The people still in BTC do not care about self-custody.

  • @adminMA
    52 months ago

    Is that the actual fee needed to get a 2in/2out tx into the next block or is this literally just the median of fees paid, distorted by the huge consolidation transactions?

    • @tuskerOP
      52 months ago

      Just the median of fees paid. Actual is about 0.001145 ( 0.14 USD)

    • Blake
      21 month ago

      @Rucknium taking the lead on analysis here.

      check the paper he wrote re: the first wave on his git here

      then on this wave - fat input transactions filling blocks on XMR chain :

      Thanks for mentioning my paper. It analyzed the privacy impact of an adversary owning many outputs. The transactions that are congesting the mempool/txpool now have many inputs. There may be a privacy impact of large many-input txs, but I don’t have a clear idea of what it would be, and it’s not the same as a standard black marble flood.

  • @shortwavesurfer
    32 months ago

    I think now is about the only time that is possible, especially after the next block having. I doubt it will ever happen again.