While our XMR.ID stagenet test is about to conclude, I’ve taken the time to polish and publish another piece from my Sxmo collection - a set of tools that should help simplify your everyday Monero use on desktop, terminal and mobile.

It’s called units and is intended to be used as your main calculator and friendly companion for quick XMR rate-conversions.

Details: https://xmr.zone/sxmo-onfire/units/

Feel free to report any issues.

PS: The first piece of the collection is codes, a means of monitoring gift card spending and balances. It was published in September and announced on XMR.ID’s Matrix.

  • fullmetalScienceOPM
    6 months ago

    Pro-tip: Find out how much a merchant is over- (or under-)charging before you pay with Monero

    You can quickly compare a rate to the current spot price with the “Monero-over-Fiat” syntax:

                     0.2587 XMR / 30 USD
    cost in Monero --^             ^-- advertised price in fiat

    Type the above into units and press Enter, then select percent as the unit to convert to.

    At the time of writing, the result will be roughly 102.5 %, which means that the merchant is asking a premium of 2.5%.

    This works just the same with other fiat currencies. A non-interactive one-liner from the command line could look like this:

    UPDATE_THRESHOLD=60 ./units.sh '0.2587 XMR / 28 EUR' '%'

    To make informed decisions, always be sure to verify rates.

    The crypto-space is notoriously infested with high hidden fees. If you cannot find what you are looking for at a reasonable XMR-price, it’s often better to use a service like LocalMonero to convert to fiat beforehand. You can apply the same method to check for premiums on the offers listed there.