Reddit had /r/jobsForNano - any chance of something similar here?

  • Max@nano.gardenM
    1 year ago

    I think that it’s a great idea! I actually wasn’t familiar with that community, but I’m familiar with /r/PhotoshopRequests, and I like that concept a lot.

    I’m not sure about what the best way to implement this is. “jobsForNano” to me sounds too general, and I think that the generality makes it a difficult to concentrate expertise. I think that the success of /r/PhotoshopRequests is in part that it is very easy to understand the concept, so perhaps it would be interesting to make communities that are more specific. Perhaps even starting “[email protected]” would be a great idea. Payment with nano would be encouraged (and easy if you are a user on, by clicking on the send XNO button!), but anyone would be free to participate and choose how they get paid.

    What do you think?