Is there any chance that we can get a weekly/biweekly, or periodic, update on what is new with kbin? @ernest has done a couple in the past. I doubt I would be the only one interested in hearing what is new or what is coming down the pipe more on a regular basis.

I’m aware that I can look at the codeberg and see what is being worked on, but I’m not quite as dev saavy as a lot of you are and really appreciate some plain spoken explainers sometimes.

If not, that’s cool too. I just thought it might help keep people involved and retain users if we could see a list of exciting new additions, updates, and things to look forward to.

    1 year ago

    Don’t know how often this gets said, but everything you’ve done and are doing with kbin is deeply appreciated.

    I’d say “keep it up” but I don’t want to create pressure or push anyone to burnout. Been there, done that.

    Do what you’re able when you’re able.

    (That doesn’t trip off the tongue quite so easily, but it’s my motto these days).

      1 year ago

      I like to think “keep it up” refers more to morale than to work. Sometimes keeping it up involves putting away the laptop and going for ice cream. :)