(Some) people want a private asset pegged to the USD and even call it the holy grail. Zephyr steps in.

The whitepaper has a soft marketing drift, the author does not handle latex, no description of the inner workings given. Redditors wonder if it mints, burns or scams? Is it Luna? Does it steal our hashrate?

Despite grandiose claims, the stability mechanism relies on users willing to accept losses. It manages a pool of long/short positions, the bag holders being those who exit last.

First, losses a not capped or hedged against. Second, to spend USD you have to go short on the underlying asset - you are betting against Dallor-inflation! And third, you also bet against your fellow human beings who provide the long side.

If you want to participate in this good cause (frontend tax, COUGH) be aware that you are doing something irrational, you are not compensated adequately for the risk you take, even under the best of circumstances.

Another case of When Game Theory failed ?

Better dca XMR. Or implement Liquity