Hi Lemmy! I’ve just uploaded a new version, and this is the changelog:

  • Community moderation tools: Lock comments, feature posts in community, ban users, remove posts/comments, appoint as mod. All this tools are available when visiting a thread.
  • View and resolve post/comment reports. There is a new moderation section available in the main menu (hamburger menu). It will show the new unresolved reports count.
  • Show if an user is mod, admin or bot (A, M and Bot) next to username.
  • Highlight moderator distinguished comments
  • Show community moderators in community sidebar
  • Set the default feed on app start from settings (Settings-General)
  • View cross-posts of a post. While visiting a post, tap the 🔀 icon to view a list of cross-posts
  • Cross-post a post to a different community (Post menu, Share, Cross-post)
  • Show new comments counter since last visit
  • Show if a link is already posted when creating a post, and where.
  • View your upvoted and downvoted posts in profile (Lemmy 0.19)
  • Bug fixes and improvements


Thanks to all of you supporting the development of the app. You are the best! ♥️

  • Max-P@lemmy.max-p.me
    8 months ago

    I think having a toggle to go into admin mode would be nice. I agree one shouldn’t be in admin mode all the time, but it’s convenient to have it handy when you need it.

    I often report posts just so I can easily find them in the UI to delete them, especially with the recent waves of CSAM trolls. If you see something deep in the comments of a post on page 50, it’s just annoying to find back through a different app just to perform an admin action. I don’t host any communities, so all the links Boost gives me go to the source instances, and it tends to loop back into Boost because of the link handlers.

    • Otter@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      Good point yes :)

      I think it would also be helpful in general for Boost to give the home instance link instead of the foreign one (I think it currently does it by the poster’s/commenter’s instance?). It would help for things like this, or for sharing with friends so that they see the same thing you’re seeing