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What I would like is all the best Monero stuff (Wallets / Mining Tools / customized browser bookmarks, etc.) preloaded and configured on a full blown Linux Distribution, delivered as a boot-able, installation ISO image where I can burn a DVD or create a USB Startup Disk. You may want to create several flavors, one for low end hardware like what’s in MoneroNodo, and one for dedicated mining rigs if that makes sense. I would want the version from the MoneroNodo released first.

It’s ok to offer some images for various hypervisors like Gnome Boxes, VMWare, and VirtualBox, but the best format of all would be the LXC container in a tarball released to Turnkey Linux like they use in Proxmox, because the performance is much, much better than any virtual machine and it’s most lightweight of the other formats, making the best use of system resources.

I could help test and would donate, especially if the LXC container were released to Turnkey Linux and was made available thru that channel on not a custom download/install.

    1 year ago

    Have a look at ublue startingpoint. You can create custom Images easily, built automatically on Github.

    But those dont work for live booting if that is what you want.

    I would use secureblue as base, Monero is really security critical.