it’s week 2 of 2024 and Holy Fuck Is It Windy Out There right now, oh god

    9 months ago

    We’re suppose to have our first big snow storm of the season, starting today. 4-6 inches (~10-15cm) or more. Currently only like an inch of snow. That said, as is often said in the Midwest: “It’s really coming down out there.”

    More importantly, I told my boss, the CEO, about my job offer. I’ve had this job offer on the table for like the last 7mo, but the processing has taken forever (it’s a government job). On Friday, he sent me an email that he’s promoting me to a director (which was surprising to say the least). So I felt that I had to finally tell him. I didn’t want for him to announce to everyone he’s promoting me, only for me to be like “Yeah thanks bossman…I’m out. Cya!” I feel like that might humiliate him. Should I care? Maybe not. But he’s been a good boss to me. I feel like I owe it to him to not put him in that position. I’ve worked for him for like 7yrs total and he’s treated me well.

    Obviously he’s less than enthused, but he gets it. I’ve been trying to get to a government job for awhile and to move out of here and he knows this. This isn’t my official notice; there’s a chance that something happens and I lose the job offer. But at least he knows what’s going on. He can figure out if he wants to put the promotion on pause or what.