I think we should organize further protest against the recent changes to Reddit. The CEO has been pressuring the community and its mods. The CEO is also threatening to replace mods if they don’t re-open the sub-reddits.

Reddit was built by the community and its mods not its CEO!


  1. Make sure to comment on all the popular sub-reddits that are still open.Spread the news about the recent changes and how you don’t like it. (Not everyone knows whats going on!)

  2. Spread the news about about the Fediverse as an alternative if Reddit does not revert its changes .

  3. Make sure to contact the mods on all the popular sub-reddits about the protest and why you dislike how Reddit is treating its community and mods

  4. If you’re a mod of a community make sure to set it to private

  5. Make sure to call out reddit on other social media sites this way other users and social media sites take note

  6. Remember to keep up the pressure, as soon as the reddits board members hear about how this is a sticking issue for the community they will have to revert the changes and apologies to the community and its mods.

Remember my redditors do not let up on the pressure if we cave in this makes us look weak! We made the community not them !!
Make sure to spread the word!

#opfightback (operation fight back!)