I have this command on my i3wm configuration, which extends the 3 displays that I have into a single one for games.
bindsym $mod+Shift+k exec “xrandr --setmonitor extended auto DP-1,DP-2,DP-3”
The only issue that I have is, once I’m done, how do I revert back to having the displays individually? This has been driving me crazy.
Searching on internet all that I’ve managed to find is using xrandr -s 0, which actually just turns off my other displays.
And what is worse is that if I then manually turn the displays back on, THEY ARE STILL EXTENDED “xrandr -s 0” does not even reset that lol.
So far what I have to do to revert the changes is to log out of my current session.
SOLUTION: THE COMMAND IS: xrandr --delmonitor extended
Give each screen other than the “main” one a relative position -
, I think that should do it.