CBS News found children in Ghana as young as 5 years old using machetes nearly as big as themselves to harvest the cocoa beans that end up in some of America's most-loved chocolates like M&Ms and Snickers. Debora Patta reports.
And nobody actually cares. You’d expect protests whenever something like this comes out? You’d expect people to at least kick up a stink. But, no move on to the next thing. Kinda sad how little outrage there actually is to this shit. Heck, even the general attitude towards this facf from the comments here is “shrugs Well what did you expect”.
I think many people understand the capitalist economic arrangement they’re in requires externalizing the suffering it causes. A lot of political causes people align with are based around morally absolving this conflict on an individual basis, almost in a ritualistic way, but in a way that doesn’t threaten their position within the system. These are the same causes the system recognizes as the most legitimate as well, it’s a self-reinforcing mechanism to deal with internalized discontent. Just consume the correct products with the right intentions and show that you’ve done this to be momentarily absolved, almost like a religion.
And nobody actually cares. You’d expect protests whenever something like this comes out? You’d expect people to at least kick up a stink. But, no move on to the next thing. Kinda sad how little outrage there actually is to this shit. Heck, even the general attitude towards this facf from the comments here is “shrugs Well what did you expect”.
It has been an open secret for years. John Oliver did a show on it not long ago.
People become resigned to things they don’t think they can change, especially (but not always) when it doesn’t affect them personally.
Most people here are from the west and have been conditioned their entire life by western media to not think about it.
People understanding how fucked up their country’s system is would mean protests and riots after all, and threaten those in power.
I think many people understand the capitalist economic arrangement they’re in requires externalizing the suffering it causes. A lot of political causes people align with are based around morally absolving this conflict on an individual basis, almost in a ritualistic way, but in a way that doesn’t threaten their position within the system. These are the same causes the system recognizes as the most legitimate as well, it’s a self-reinforcing mechanism to deal with internalized discontent. Just consume the correct products with the right intentions and show that you’ve done this to be momentarily absolved, almost like a religion.