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A cartoon depicts a chasm with a rope bridge, once connecting both sides, cut and hanging from the side of the cliff, sabotaged by a suit standing on the well forested right side beside a spool of rope and holding a saw. The left side of the chasm is a wasteland of sawn tree stumps. There’s a sign that reads “Please return saw and rope when done”. An empty box sits beneath the sign. The suit calls out to a person in the wasteland on the left side of the chasm “BUILD YOUR OWN DAMN BRIDGE LIKE I DID!” The person in the wasteland replies “WITH WHAT?! “

Caption: Capitalism at its finest

h/t to @[email protected]

  • Flying
    10 months ago

    And now you are lying. You said this:

    They are two different things you moron.

    I am not interested in talking to someone who insults me and then doesn’t even have the courtesy to admit it.
