• crab
    10 months ago

    I don’t think either of us are qualified to argue about the engineering, physics, etc. but I propose a different argument that is the broader issue of almost all conspiracies.

    I haven’t seen this (or other conspiracies) gain any traction amongst accredited individuals or institutions. If practically every engineer, physicist, or whatever on the planet has been exposed to this event, and there is almost no resistance to the mainstream narrative of how things went down, then I am extremely doubtful that you, me, or whoever made the video are able to understand why the mainstream narrative might be wrong.

    The US government can commit war crimes without having to make a hoax that probably didn’t justify what they did in “retaliation” anyways.

    • mister_monster
      10 months ago

      Appeal to authority is weaksauce.

      There is so much evidence surrounding this happening, nobody with any credibility parrots the narrative. It’s just old news, nobody talks through a megaphone about it anymore. You either buy it or you don’t at this point. There are plenty of engineers that don’t buy it.

      I don’t know what happened, but I know enough about it to know that it’s not what the government said happened. This is one of those big ones that when you look into it you’re like what the fuck. This isn’t lizard people. I even know people that buy the line for some reason that will readily say they’ve got no explanation for building 7.

    • tuskerOPM
      10 months ago

      The fact is that the consensus is almost always wrong when it comes to world changing events. Look at covid, the consensus said it was a deadly new virus, this was 100% wrong.

      There were many credible people that spoke out, architects and engineers for 9/11 truth for example, about the impossible story of the government. They of course got zero attention by the media, because the media is owned and controlled by the same people who carried out the false flag attacks. Most people in the professional field would not dare to speak up as they know they would be instantly ridiculed by the media and most likely lose their jobs.

      We live in a control system that’s owned by a few, this hierarchical and compartmentalized structure allows for massive lies to be easily covered up.

      • crab
        10 months ago

        the consensus said it was a deadly new virus, this was 100% wrong

        Anecdotally, I personally knew two people that have died while having covid, and got pretty sick from it twice myself. Falls pretty well in line with what everyone else is saying about covid.

        they would be instantly ridiculed by the media and most likely lose their jobs

        The majority of the planet does not live under the media and institutions of the united states. Differing theories are pretty much the backbone of science, I find it hard to believe that a theory would get someone fired.

        • tuskerOPM
          10 months ago

          Anecdotally, I knew 2 people that died from car accidents during covid but zero that died from covid. So we should be much more concerned with road safety than covid. Officially is has the same mortality as the flu, this is most likely because it is the flu.

          The same groups that collude together own 90% of the worlds major media, that is why all major media parroted the same narrative with zero skepticism about covid worldwide even though I knew it was a lie. Tell me this, how could I have known it was not dangerous but all the world’s media did not know? The answer is they are all controlled and sing a unified narrative when instructed.

          Differing theories are pretty much the backbone of science

          Unless those theories challenge the ruling class or majority consensus in a fundamental way, then they are silenced and shut down… this world is not what you think it is.

          • crab
            10 months ago

            they are silenced and shut down

            Silenced and shut down is quite an extreme claim.





            I knew 2 people that died from car accidents during covid but zero that died from covid

            30 years of road deaths roughly equates to the total deaths of covid, pretty likely for that to occur

            So we should be much more concerned with road safety than covid

            road precautions are pretty mature after decades of developments (road deaths are on the decline), covid deaths at their peak were way higher than road deaths and we didn’t have precautions like vaccines and social distancing figured out.

            how could I have known it was not dangerous but all the world’s media did not know?

            I mean its possible that you’re wrong

            • tuskerOPM
              10 months ago

              Yes there is info on the internet about the obvious 9/11 inside job. Have you seen any investigative specials on mainstream media questioning the official narrative, reviewing evidence and interviewing experts about it? If you see anything on this topic it is always attempting to debunk or ridicule. This is a very important topic, there should be dozens, but there are zero. This is because the media is controlled by the same people who orchestrated the event.

              Covid vaccines do nothing to prevent any illness. They in fact cause damage to the body.

              No it is not possible, since it is now clear as day that covid is not dangerous to healthy people, and is most likely just the flu.

              There is no test that can diagnose covid, the use of PCR is fraudulent.

              Ultimate PCR Test Scam Video
