What is Seraphis? A new monero? I am confused.

  • Seraphis is a XMR hardfork, but it will not make a “new” coin separated from XMR, it will stay the same coin. It is a HUGE privacy-security update.

And lets see the monero stats as of October the 8th (today):

  • Height: 3013624
  • Hashrate: 2.4GH/s - Stopped dropping, been at 2.4GH/s for a week now.
  • Monero Transactions: 23978 - This number is the 7th all day transaction count. Nice jump compared to the 18154 on the 4th. Although we are locked in this 15-25k range.
  • Monero Node count: 22537 - This number does not represent all of the XMR nodes, just gives an estimate. Source: monero.fail/map

Watch the FULL EPI #140 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOhIBUALuuc