Tari XTM is the new PoW asics-resistant Privacy coin by Fluffypony. This is the link for the Airdrop game. Live since May 14, 2024.

Merge-Mining XMR has already been implemented. All you have to do is enter your Monero address with the miner.

  • Blake
    11 months ago

    maximum privacy and some compromises

    care to explain?

    and I love a good airdrop - just let my enter my phone number and drivers license into X to join, then I can get my gen 0 gems and finally convert them into Yats to cash in my skyhammers

    THEN and only then will we achieve mass adoption.

    nothing against fluffy

    • 🤘🐺🤘
      11 months ago

      As a few examples

      Removing mordinals was a maximally private idea. Adding templating to Tari was done as the flip side of this, to maximize how many people can express themselves on chain.

      In monero vanity addresses are not possible on chain to maximize privacy. In Tari every address is made of emojis that are encouraged to be shortened with yats.

      Smart contracting is huge, it gets people excited. Tari can be like the smart contracting platform monero needs to get people using privacy preserving technology.