The I2P network is currently under a Denial-of-Service attack. This attack affects I2P and i2pd but in different ways and is having a serious effect on network health. Reachability of I2P sites is badly degraded.

Java I2P users are suggested to disable the sybil attack tool, delete the sybil-blocklist, and re-start their routers.

To disable the sybil attack detector tool

Open the sybil attack detector in your router console at

Change “Background Analysis Run Frequency” to “Never”

Click “Save” to save the settings.

To delete the sybil blocklist, run:

On Debian and Ubuntu:

rm “/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt”

On other Linuxes and on Mac OSX:

rm “$HOME/.i2p/sybil-analysis/blocklist-sybil.txt”

And on Windows:

del %LocalAppData%\i2p\sybil-analysis\blocklist-sybil.txt"

When you are finished, re-start your I2P router.

If you are hosting a service inside I2P and it is hosted on a Floodfill router, you should consider multihoming the service on a Floodfill-disabled router to improve reachability. Other mitigations are being discussed but a long-term, backward-compatible solution is still being worked on.

  • shortwavesurfer
    11 months ago

    Why has I2P not implemented proof of work like Tor did? That seems to have helped a lot on their network.