for gratis or other reasons ?

  • Have you been a distro hopper ?
  • What is your favorite Linux distro ?

EDIT : Thanks for all the comments so far. Heartwarming really!

  • shortwavesurfer
    11 months ago

    For me, it was originally just an experiment because oh, I’ve heard about this thing and I’m curious about it. This was on my school laptop that I had managed to obtain administrator permissions on by cracking the password and installing VirtualBox. It was a Dell Latitude D505 with like 512 megabytes of RAM running Windows XP. The very first distro I booted was Ubuntu 10.10 and Oh dear God was it slow as shit. I knew that it was because of Windows, and so did not judge it for that reason, but judged it based on user interface and ease of use, which I found good enough to play with and continue messing with. Then I had a summer camp thing that I had went to with coding and we had to use a Mac in order to do it and I was used to Linux in the way Ubuntu worked so it wasn’t hard for me but for other people it was difficult because of the interface change. That particular place is where I learned about SSH and SCP and started really playing with making web servers on them. And as they say, the rest is history. I’ve been running Linux 100% for around 5 years now, and just keep a Windows virtual machine around in case it’s necessary, which it proves to be very, very rarely.