In my view, Monero is only one piece of the equation to digital freedom. You need the rest of the “encryption as identity” tech stack:

Monero is to Money, What Session is to Telegram, And Nostr is to Twitter.

Censorship on Twitter has given rise to this decentralized micro-blogging alternative that uses encryption as identity for unstoppable free speech.

I narrated this brand new animated video which goes over how Nostr works and why it matters:

Nostr is right now dominated by Bitcoin Maxis, we’re organizing a Monero takeover. DM us on Nostr: npub14slk4lshtylkrqg9z0dvng09gn58h88frvnax7uga3v0h25szj4qzjt5d6

  • @SoulReaver
    19 months ago

    Can you send me a invitation?

    • Anark Karabey
      29 months ago

      @SoulReaver I am not the admin of the network. You should ask @silverpill for that.

      However, I would advise you to host your own mitra instance. It is quite easy to setup.

      • @SoulReaver
        19 months ago

        Yea I contacted silver and silver gave me a key, thnx.