In my view, Monero is only one piece of the equation to digital freedom. You need the rest of the “encryption as identity” tech stack:

Monero is to Money, What Session is to Telegram, And Nostr is to Twitter.

Censorship on Twitter has given rise to this decentralized micro-blogging alternative that uses encryption as identity for unstoppable free speech.

I narrated this brand new animated video which goes over how Nostr works and why it matters:

Nostr is right now dominated by Bitcoin Maxis, we’re organizing a Monero takeover. DM us on Nostr: npub14slk4lshtylkrqg9z0dvng09gn58h88frvnax7uga3v0h25szj4qzjt5d6

  • @gunnm
    9 months ago

    Nostr users are going to hate more Monero if they try to take over, so why not fork it and make it compatible with the current Nostr?

    • @ShadowRebelOP
      29 months ago

      Monero would be hurt by being on Nostr, as ring signatures rely on it being unknown who sent to who. Once it’s in the public who sent many transactions, it would rule out certain ones from being part of ring signatures.