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I’ve recently started using a self hosted SearXNG instance but I’m still using the search engines enabled by default (google, duckduckgo and qwant). What search engines do you have enabled or which ones do you feel you’ve gotten the best results with?

  • Saki
    10 months ago

    Sorry, this question was SearXNG specific, so MetaGer was irrelevant. I’ve never self-hosted it, but I’d say Brave. It’s supposed to have its own index (correct me if I’m wrong), so one can expect some diversity.

    As for DDG, there shouldn’t be any problems if used via SearXNG. In general, there are a few comments about DDG here: and I quote:


    ~1-2 years back they collected data on which search results their users clicked on by default with their own link-forwarder. After some outcry they removed that. Their “privacy browser” allowed third party cookies by Microsoft to track their users because DDG made a deal with them without telling anyone. When it came out Gabriel Weinberg released some BS statements.


    DDG doesn’t even have a Linux browser, but I love their Android browser. The DDG search engine provides results that are quite fine