Canadians no longer able to share or view news articles and other content by publishers and broadcasters, including international outlets. Online News Act requires tech giants to compensate Canadian news outlets for content shared on their platforms.

    1 year ago

    “Without access to real fact-based news created by real journalists, Facebook will become far less attractive to users and advertisers,” Deegan said in a statement. “We expect more and more advertisers and their agencies will begin pulling advertising from the platform in response to this unilateral, undemocratic, and unreasonable move.”

    This is complete horseshit. How is it undemocratic, it’s a private company and they’re free to do what they want. Canadian Government decided to mandate that by linking you owe a share of your profit. This is not how the internet works. No-one forced the CBC to create an instragram account and maintain it, sharing their own news on the platform.

    If you demand to be paid for something, they’re free to not pay for it. Welcome to the real world where you can’t just dictate things to people and expect them to take it.