Today I’ve reported a player in Marvel Rivals for being a cheater (it was obvious to me, even autoaim through wall playing hawkeye). And I just got a confirmation message that the player is banned until 2125… basically a 100 year ban. :D Do report them. Report toxicity as well (I get ton of confirmation). But do not report because you are angry or maybe the other player played well. It’s the first time I reported someone in Marvel Rivals for cheating.
I do my part.
Almost all permaban are technically very long temporary ban.
That’s interesting that they give you the full details like that. Most games will, at most, tell you “We took action against a player you reported”, or something equally vague.
Overwatch (and 2) quickly spiraled into bullshit report fest. You said “gg” at wrong time and some dumbass reported you. I shit you not. And now people report on even more petty things because they know there is never any check done if said actually is true and false reports never get punished. Also their support sucks so horrendously bad. Can’t say how good NetEase is at that as I never had to contact them yet, but Blizzard is just the worst there is in this regard. Even EA is not this bad and they are universally the worst.
Does anything happen to the reported player as the result of a report? I’d imagine if a report is found to be false, reports from that player are deprioritised, but I don’t think you would punish them because they could just be mistaken.
If you watch high level counterstrike for example, you could be forgiven for thinking some of these players are cheating (despite playing on LAN in an arena) because their aim, prediction and game sense is just that good.
I got chat restricted in Overwatch once, and when checking the logs they give you as to the reason, there was a chat between two other teammates, and me just saying “Zenyatta can’t heal himself.”
Funny, I remember when Blizzard let battlenet get overrun by bot accounts in like the early 2000’s or something. I guess they’ve always been bastards.