I miss the rains down in Africa.
Such a beautiful idea; after a long, parched stretch of time where you aren’t sure if your water supply will last you long enough to survive, the sky opens up and the rains finally fall. Your saved!
What the heck does blessing the rains do? Extra damage against the undead?
Find anime with good english subtitles.
Find anime in better qualy.
New sub sucks.I usually download raws with fansubs to circumvent this.
subs suck. Dubs rule
I’m here / to remind you / of the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me.
(I used to think the line was about her ex refusing to return to her a teddy bear that he apparently gave her as a gift. Which rather fits with the song’s theme and just seems dickish and spiteful on the ex’s part.)
2+2 turbocharge.
GTO more power than God.
You’re a dream machine.
You’re a dream machine.
Hold me closer, Tony Danza.🎵🎵
I always heard the lyrics to Cake’s I want a girl as “ I want a girl with the right eye locations”. Seems reasonable enough, nobody wants to date Sloth from the Goonies. And then one day a girl I was talking to told me it was “the right allocations” like measurements, and I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt dumber.
Short Skirt / Long Jacket
Great song whose music video includes some beautiful shots of early 2000s Sacramento (where they’re from), including local news anchorwoman Dierdre Fitzpatrick when she was an in-the-field reporter!
Revved up like a douche…
I really, truly used to think Billy Jean is not my daughter, she’s just a chair.
“Annie are you wookie?”
Someone I know misheard “Tenth Avenue Freestyle” as “Tell the devil you freestyle” and honestly that’s a much more interesting song.
Haha i have some very funny news to tell you! The lyric is actually “tenth avenue FREEZE OUT”
Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin’ penguins?
Chase the penguins. Cease the day. That’s what I say, because I’m the coked up personality.