• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • People tried that.

    reddit corporate will remove those mods and ask which other mods want to be super duper awesome and be able to say they moderate another N thousand users per day for zero pay. And people leap at that.

    Until the users leave, nothing will happen. In a fucked way, reddit corporate are doing everyone a favor by removing the spineless “We are going to go silent for 24 hours with no real demands or bargaining power” idiocy.

  • My understanding is a lot of those were just wrappers for mobi files to add even more drm, but I haven’t looked super closely.

    I dunno. I used to be super hardcore about ripping every book and putting it in my calibre library. Then I eventually realized that… mostly I don’t care. There are very few books I am going to re-read and the majority of those were so good that I either want the hardcover to put on a shelf or don’t mind buying again from a vendor that gives the author a better percentage.

  • The supply chain problems of covid REALLY broke everyone.

    Consoles selling out is actually “bad”. Why? Because they are closed gardens. If people can go down to best buy or browse amazon and pick up a console they are more likely to buy a few games to go with it. Rather than needing to frantically monitor five different discord servers to get into a queue as fast as possible to MAYBE get one. The former encourages browsing and impulse buys. The latter is basically only for people with very targeted shopping lists.

    Also… it is not even October. MAYBE come early November you can start to make these assessments for that most holy of holidays, Black Friday. But hell day and xmas are still months out and the holiday rush of shopping hasn’t begun yet.

    I personally see nothing compelling about the ps5 pro. But this is the equivalent of buying an xbox and saying microsoft are going to win because they have a stronger supply chain.

  • I mean… someone with basic literacy might key in on a way that actually can cause damage to an occupying force. And the reality that the US has so much surveillance that hit and run tactics fundamentally won’t work.

    Unlike some people, I am not going to talk about becoming a domestic terrorist on message boards because… I wish that were obvious. But I have yet to see anything suggesting how all the assault rifles people NEED to fight against tyranny are going to do… anything against even the militarized police force, let alone the national guard or the army. Its just people being pissy and larping that they are Patrick Swayze and are going to scream “WILDCATS” while heroically defeating an entire army through the power of their after school NRA classes.

  • Doesn’t even really let you do that.

    A “DRM Free” kindle ebook still basically requires a physical kindle (or shenanigans with apps) to even access the raw file of. If you just go to your content library to try and download it to transfer via USB you get told to pound sand and buy a kindle. That might change if you have a physical kindle registered to your account (I currently read exclusively via my phone and my onyx boox) but… yeah.

    And yeah, as long as it is in The Cloud, amazon can do whatever they want. I am not aware of having any books removed from my account but I do recall having the option to “upgrade” an ebook to a newer version in the case of publisher screw ups.

  • Of course you don’t. Did anyone think otherwise?

    Kindles have always slotted in as somewhere between the mass market paperbacks and trade paperbacks. Cheap books you read once or twice and then likely never again. If you do get in the mood to read it again? mobi files hold up a lot better than pulp designed to decay in order months but MMPBs always had a tendency to be lost forever just like amazon has a tendency to fuck with your library.

  • So… your assault rifle exists just to pop Mrs O’Coppy in the face and not much else?

    And Vietnam and Afghanistan ARE great examples.

    The Vietcong basically only stood a chance because they were entrenched in a low visibility jungle that negated most of the advantages the other side had. And Afghanistan? The Brave Men And Women Of The Mujahideen ™ were getting slaughtered until they were given stinger missiles to counter soviet air superiority (wonder who gave them those…). And the more recent conflict was more about IEDs than any form of stand up combat.

    Also: If you are at the point where you have no hope of progress and just want to bleed an occupying force dry? Assault rifles are bulky. What you want is a high velocity pistol round that you can conceal and unload point blank on. Also you want to roll back time ten or twenty years and get rid of all those cameras that will immediately trace you back to the neighborhood you are hiding out in.

  • Getting way too real but those movies are actually well worth watching. No, not the first one where Ethan Hawke and Lena Heady are rich white upper middle class people who are betrayed by their neighbors because they didn’t own enough guns. Like… every other Purge movie

    The reality is what we already see. The Holy Second Amendment is supposed to let people defend thmselves but it results in rich (predominantly white) people owning forty ARs and heavy body armor whereas lower class ethnic folk MIGHT have a pistol for self defense. And when shit hits the fan? Fat white kids cross state lines to mow down some protesters with their assault rifles.

    And every movie (except the god awful first one) addresses this. Bubba Gump’s convenience store lost their purge insurance so he is forced to try and defend his livelihood. Hispanic women are openly told they will be raped when the clock hits 6 (?). Impoverished black neighborhoods have klan members bussed in to murder them all (its cool though because Y’lan Noel goes John Wick on the nazis). Totally Not Hilary Clinton gets the biggest target ever painted on her head on purge night (its cool though. Frank Grillo is mostly only a dumbfuck that Chris Evans will never talk to again but damned if he isn’t an awesome white guy with a pistol). And the rest of the rich white fucks just hang out in panic rooms with the poors they bought the rights to torture and murder.

    Because that is the reality. Privilege is everything. If you have enough money you can avoid the consequences of anything. Whether it is the decades of horror because people were too busy looking at Marisa Tomei’s ta-tas to realize she should not be allowed to write legislature, the fucking idiocy of wanting a heavily armed populace, or just driving drunk and running over a few kids in a car.