I agree. Worth a play through for sure.
I agree. Worth a play through for sure.
Story is generic and it’s a little bit jank, but has one of the best magic systems in any game I’ve played.
For actually released consoles, I think the Famicom is just neat looking
Windblown plays really well on the SD. Developed by Motion Twin, same folks behind Dead Cells. Rogue-like that plays similar to Hades but has some persistent upgrades like Dead Cells.
I like Wallabag. Snuggles in nicely with my chosen RSS: Miniflux
Yes. I have a Pi4 running NextcloudPi image on it. I sync docs, pics, even backup my Obsidian vault. It’s worked really well for Quillpad in my experience. On desktop I use Iotas (Linux) if I need to update from that instead of my phone.
Quillpad is the closest I’ve found. It’s simple markdown files. It can sync with Nextcloud as well. I use it for any short note or lists. Long form stuff including journal, I use Obsidian (not open source)
I have two of their basic VPS and they’ve worked well. My few interactions with customer service has been less than awesome though.
Have to agree with this. I’d love to use it and support what they’re doing. But the mobile client is bad. I also hate that the note files, stored in markdown format, are modified. The file names are not human readable and the contents are appended with metadata.
I’ve tried them all. I use Quillpad for Google Keep replacement (shopping/packing lists, etc) but have been using and loving Obsidian. I know it’s closed source, but the hierarchy of simple text files is fantastic and I haven’t found a FOSS alternative I like as much.
That adds up quick, doesn’t it? I had my Sony Trinitron RGB modded and now have SNES, Sega Genesis/Master system, and a self modded N64 all connected to a SCART RGB switch and have already ordered the parts to get the treatment done on my NES. Looks incredible though!
Every madcatz controller I’ve used has been terrible. Xbox, Dreamcast, and PSone. Just terrible.
The Dreamcast had a keyboard for Typing of the Dead, but iirc they also had one similar to the pic I posted for Phantasy Star online.
Yes, and…? Did I claim otherwise anywhere? Privacy isn’t a zero sum game. You cant fully protect yourself short of ditching tech and the Internet entirely. And even then, there’s already a digital footprint left behind you’ll never get rid of. But you can make informed choices like not trusting Google or Microsoft to host your personal data, not buying the smart home devices, keeping data local only/host your own cloud, use Linux instead of Windows, etc.
Jokes on you. My phone is two soup cans and a length of string.
100% agree. I’ve only just started my privacy/self hosted journey almost exactly 1 year ago. Still learning, but I’m loving the experience so far.
Same here. I really like it.
For me, it was not being able to use a 3rd party app. Accessing reddit through their garbage app is a painful experience. And unless I find the answer to a question via web search that’s a reddit thread, I avoid it entirely.
I wonder how well it plays on Stem Deck because talking about it makes me want to play again.