Avid Gamer | | Lifting connoisseur | | Completionist

  • 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • This is probably an unpopular opinion especially on this sub and something that will probably never happen realistically with the way the world is going but it is an extremely cool feature. If this was not done by companys that already harvest data etc and was as private as something like this can be such as your device communication to another device has a uuid that does not tie back to “you” if that makes sense or something not sure. Because there are some use cases that could be extremely good such as the one comment here about stalkers etc.

  • This it is really easy to hit protein especially when you make your meals “real meals” and not snacks. You can make said snacks protein filled by using anabolic recipes and the such but can take getting used to my family often does like how they taste but I think they are great.
    The tracking app I use is mynetdiary it is from what I have found a free fitness pall. Best of luck