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Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world’s atmosphere | Experts issue warning after finding global average concentration in March was 4.7ppm higher than same period last year

    5 months ago

    I still try to limit my impact but a few years back I realized that going out of my way to do “green” things was mostly pointless. Its like trying to bail water out a boat that people are actively kicking holes in.

    Recycling - It almost all ends up in the trash anyway. Fuel Efficiency and green transportation - Why? 90% of people seem to want to drive a giant SUV.

    People care about stupid, ineffective, virtue signaling bullshit like plastic straws and not wasting a piece of paper.

    If people really cared, they’d ride their bikes or at the very least, reduce their meat consumption. However, a wide majority simply do not care.